The Boypoet’s Award Ceremony

Over recent months my blogs have received several lovely and touching awards from my beautiful friend Doctor Rex, author of the blog It Is What It Is. Thank you dear Horty from the bottom of my heart.

Whilst I really appreciate the kind thoughts behind these awards I am left in a quandary of who to nominate when playing it forward. I follow a whole myriad of blogs featuring poetry, cooking, music, art and every other aspect of life you can think of – just how do I choose a few from so many excellent blogs. In the end I did make a list based on a tried and tested method of names picked from a hat as each blog I follow because I enjoy reading it, love the content and appreciate the hard graft the blogger has put into bringing each post to the reader – to choose any other way was impossible.

This time I am going to offer a selection of awards each with 5 nominees – I know not strictly within the rules of any one of the awards but rules are meant to be broken.

So on to the first award –


The Rules for this award are:

Share an act of kindness another blogger has done for you.

Thank the person who nominated you for the award and link back to your blog

Nominate those bloggers whom you feel practice Kindness and Love — you choose how many!”

The act of kindness I want to share is not one simple random act but a continuous and on-going act of brotherhood shown to me by Mo Batchelor, author of the Blog Summer Thunder, and his lovely husband Phil. These guys are true gentlemen. They could have turned their backs on me last year when I was making some of the toughest decisions a person has to make – they didn’t! They let me talk and still do. They share their lives with me and are a very special part of my life. I am not messing about when I refer to them as my brothers as that is indeed what they are to me and I love them dearly.

The nominees for this award are:

The 365 Poetry Project 



Genuine Poetry 

The Why About This 


The next award is the Shine On Award

The nominees are:

Carrie Mayhem


Purple’s Platitudes 

Worldly Winds 

The Ranting Chef


And straight on to the next award the Reader Appreciation Award

The nominees for this one are:

Poetry on a Roll


Sea of Desire 

The Wandering Poet 

Radiating Blossom 


And last but certainly not least I am combing two awards in one the Semper Fidelis Award and the Angel Award


This award stands for the loyalty and love between friends.




Display the award logo on your blog.

Link back to the person who nominated you.

Nominate other bloggers for this award and link to them.

Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award requirements.


There are no strings and no rules.

The nominees for these do not come from a hat I truly consider them my friends, and they are angels in my heart:

Summer Thunder

It Is What It Is



Roy Russell Photography



The Musings of a Lesbian Writer

A Mixed Bag

This concludes my award ceremony for this time round.

Love and light


About Jez Farmer

I am a freelance writer and poet and started writing after raising my two boys as a way of discovering just who Jez is. That is still very much an on-going project but the journey so far has introduced me to many wonderful friends and fellow writers through an ever growing love of poetry.
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19 Responses to The Boypoet’s Award Ceremony

  1. Pingback: not the first hello | Virginia is LOVE, IOWA BEST SOIL FOR FARMING

  2. Pingback: Arts by any other name | ronaldjameslowry

  3. Pingback: Poetry for all | ronaldjameslowry

  4. Pingback: Community Heart Award, thanks so much Horty! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: No more Awards please | shaunynews

  6. Thank you so much for the nomination!

  7. Many hugs! Thank-you for the honor of being amongst such great poets here with this award. Also, you are most deserving of the awards! I look forward to finding new blogs from your lists here!

  8. Wow – congratulations – lots of well deserved awards 🙂 Thank you for mentioning me too 🙂

  9. Dr. Rex says:

    Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Very well done!! I really appreciate your mention … and feel honored that you’ve included me!! Reblog!!

  10. Oh Jeremy I’m touched beyond words. Thanks you from the bottom of my heart. I don’t know what else to say. Except, congratulations dear friend 🙂 🙂

  11. Al says:

    Well done on all of these awards, Jeremy. You deserve them. You do so well with all of your blogs and with everything you do. Keep up the good work.

    And thank you. I am no angel, but just a friend. You know where I am if you need to talk.

  12. Thank you for opening the doors to so many wonderful blogs and authors. Your nomination was a pleasant surprise.

    I must share with you Jeremy that while writing I never thought people would be taking note of my imagination and work. So I have written when I was happy, I have sat down to think and compose new work when I was low. But all the while thinking that I was alone in my world.

    So thank you for making me realise that I am not alone in my pursuit.


  13. Carrie Page says:

    I love these award posts because I typically find amazing bloggers to follow when I read them. Imagine my surprise to see Carrie Mayhem listed here. I am honored and humbled. Thank you, truly!

Thank you for reading, your comments are much appreciated